Hypnotherapy Audio Downloads
All that you have to do is make sure that you will be undisturbed for about 15 minutes, sit back in your chair in a quiet place, close your eyes and listen to the audio recording. At the end of the session, you will feel relaxed and wonderful, simply wonderful all over!
Self-Hypnosis for Relaxation and Stress Reduction
Relaxation - Stress Reduction Hypnosis Session.mp3 (15MB)
Right-click on the link above and select "Save Target As..." to
save this file to your computer. When it is finished
downloading, double-click on it to play the file. It will
start using your default music player (such Windows Media Player,
iTunes, or WinAmp).
If you enjoyed this private session, use it as often as you wish to
de-stress from a hard day or simply to take time for yourself to
relax whenever you want to or need to.
If you find that you have come up against obstacles that prohibit you from achieving the success that you desire or reaching the goal(s) that you have set for yourself, you may want to try using this audio recording entitled, "Change Is Inevitable."
It is about 20-25 minutes long so take a few moments in time to give yourself the opportunity to listen to it. It is the type of audio recording that you most likely will have to use several times for it to give you the overall long lasting affect to achieve your desired goal(s).
The really fantastic thing about this audio recording is that it is non-specific so it will work for most concerns. Try it and see what results you obtain.
Change Is Inevitable
Process Instructions.mp3 (37MB)
Right-click on the link above and select "Save Target As..." to
save this file to your computer. When it is finished
downloading, double-click on it to play the file. It will
start using your default music player (such Windows Media Player,
iTunes, or WinAmp).
Procrastination can be a major obstacle in attempting to achieve success at anything in your life. Things that are "put off" or "postponed" until "tomorrow" never really seem to ever get done. Afterall, we all know when tomorrow gets here . . . never! Do you find that you have a tendency to procrastinate? If so, maybe you'll want to listen to this CD recording.
Raising Dogs
Procrastination.mp3 (28MB)
Right-click on the link above and select "Save Target As..." to
save this file to your computer. When it is finished
downloading, double-click on it to play the file. It will
start using your default music player (such Windows Media Player,
iTunes, or WinAmp).
Never listen to this hypnosis recording
when driving or operating hazardous equipment or machinery or doing
anything that could be considered potentially dangerous to you or