Personal Credits

Dr. Jonathan B. Walker
Below are those who have helped shape me into the person
that I am today. They deserve the credit for the success
that I enjoy. |

Sijo Leon Trescott, El Bey -
He is responsible for opening my eyes to the
world of Taiji Quan. He chiseled my mind, body and
spirit like a sculptor carves a block of wood into a
workable foundation configured to increase the
quality of my personal growth, development and
exploration of the self. |

Master Hou, FaXiang -
He allowed my knowledge of western medicine to
gently meld with Traditional Chinese Medicine’s
philosophical approaches to healing and helping
others. |

Master Ren Guang Yi -
He provided the means for me to expand my
knowledge of Taiji Quan through powerful
self-expression found in the controlled release of
constructive energy. |
Grandmaster Jou, Tsung Hwa -
He filled me with essence as does water fill an
empty vessel. He placed meaning into my Taiji Quan
and gave it a life of its own. |

Grandmaster T. T. Liang -
This wonderful, graceful and gentle man showed
me the wisdom of the ages. He taught me how to find
the meaning of life. |

C. Lynn Carr - She helped guide me into the final stages of
development by opening the door to my spiritual
growth and maturity. |
Master Jiang Jian-ye - He now offers me the opportunity to propel my
experiences and expertise to the next levels by
bringing the art of Taiji Quan and QiGong from China
directly to me. |
Dr. Jamie Feldman - He created the opportunity for me to learn new
psychological technology that enhanced my ability to
bridge the span between my organization and the
community. With this knowledge, I am able to combine
all of my skills & abilities into a uniform manner
with better delivery and more effective results.
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please e-mail QBS
and we will be happy to respond.
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Last updated:
Jul 11, 2020 |
QiSsage Body Systems, LLC -- 3 Warwick Road,
Eastampton, NJ 08060 -- (609) 744-0586
website designed and maintained by SiHing Robert W.