Student Testimonials
Taiji Quan (Martial Arts) Testimonials
Participants have discovered that Taiji Quan is not only a health care system but also a dynamic self-defense tool that enhances the health benefits found in its practice.
I have been taking the martial arts Tai Chi class for 1 year and I have greatly improved my flexibility and balance. I'm only 33 and thought I was in pretty good shape but this last year of martial arts training has shown me how far I have come. I've even lost over 10 pounds and kept it off. Tai Chi is the best cross training program I've ever had!
John H.
I am in the Martial Arts class. The challenge for me was the class conditioning requirements. Unfortunately, I was a smoker. That's right, I smoked cigarettes and enjoyed every puff - but the conditioning was killing me. Prior to this I have been seriously considering quitting and had even inquired into several methods but was not quite there. I am happy to tell you that I continued my training and with great success. I have been smoke free for exactly eleven months.
Karen C.
Tai Chi Chuan (Healing Arts) Testimonials
This is what people typically view as tai chi. As a healing art, it provides its participants with profound benefits of holistic health through diligent practice.
Recent years of my life have left me personally looking for answers and for balance. The study of Tai Chi, the philosophy and the form have given me a different way of looking at my life. Never will I forget the philosophy of "Just Do It." The lessons of infinite change have made me appreciate change and not fear it. The benefits of the physical have been improved conditioning, flexibility, circulation and relaxation. Tai Chi has been a gift in my life and I am grateful to have been exposed to it.
Jean B.
How was I to know that Sink, Root
& Open would be the beginning of what I now know will be my life's lesson/journey? I am able to focus and concentrate like never before through the teachings and guiding of my Shifu. It feels good to be "home." I was "Sinking" because of my lack of belief in my true self. I was "Rooted" to old ways and labels. Now I am "Open" to all the teachings and knowledge that I AM. . I CAN . . I WILL . . be balanced and in harmony.
Rose Marie R.
Tai Chi (Health Program) Testimonials
We house a special health program for seniors with the goal to decrease the number of incidents of falls in senior citizens. See how the react to the program and what other benefits they find.
At 72 years young, when I came to Tai Chi, I suffered terrible tremors in my body. They were so bad that I could not stand from a sitting position without assistance. After a few classes, I noticed the tremors were gone and my balance improved about 90%. Now, I can stand up with no assistance. My legs are stronger, I'm relaxed, calmer and sleep sounder. My doctor was so impressed with my improvement that he posted flyers about our Tai Chi program in his office.
Constance H.
In 1983, I started a long process with doctors to discover why I was having unexplained back problems. A neurologist diagnosed me with neuropathy. This condition basically stole all the joy from me over the years. I could no longer do the things that I enjoyed because of the pain associated with my condition. In 1990, this condition was exacerbated when I was involved in an automobile accident. This forced me to an early retirement in 1992. I couldn’t exercise for almost 23 years.
This wonderful Tai Chi class has given me a new life. Now, I am much more limber, not feeling arthritis pain in my neck, no longer depressed, not taking all of those medicines and my attitude is positive rather than negative. It is helpful and fun meeting new people not to mention the wonderful instructors. I recently joined the QiGong classes, too!
Eleanor H.
I never thought of myself as claustrophobic but when I was prepared for an MRI, I felt an attack coming on. My face grew hotter and the impulse to have them stop and get me out grew stronger. I started to do deep abdominal breathing and attempted to meditate. In a short while I began feeling calmer and a feeling of normalcy returned. Knowledge of these Tai Chi techniques helped a great deal and you have my thanks for teaching them to me.
Harry B.
Learning how to
center myself as I stand still for longer periods of time
has really benefited me. This is very important because as I
grow older I find it becomes more difficult to perform
multiple physical and mental tasks at the same time. When I
stand balanced and perfectly still it relaxes my body and
clears my mind, allowing it to focus on the task at hand
thus doing a better job.
Gloria T.
I was able to
establish a routine of regular exercise again. Before my
shoulder injury, I used to lift weights. After that injury,
I had given up routine practice. My range of motion was
restricted and not without some crackling noise and
pain. After practicing Tai Chi for a very short period of
time, I gained a much greater range of motion and without
Linwood T.
I have benefited a
great deal since beginning your workouts, both mentally and
physically. I no longer use a cane which I was dependent on
beforehand. My medication has been cut in half and I now
maintain better control and balance.
Samuel H.
The art has taught
me to stop and find my center in any number of
situations. Whether the need to balance is for physical or
mental or spiritual reasons, finding my center allows me to
proceed in a more direct manner. The physical aspects have
been beneficial in lessening joint and muscle pain which
plagued me for many years.
Dorothy C.
Doing Tai Chi has
been a personal goal of mine since my days in the Marine
Corp. The instruction has helped me to achieve inner peace
through meditation and relaxation. I use it often to relieve
stress both at the work place and in my personal life.
Ralph O.
I have learned to
take an anger inspired situation and turn it around by using
the relaxing methods taught to me. Anger control management
was not what I was looking for but to say the least I’m so
content to have found it. The exercise portion of the
lessons are very helpful to me as non-aggressive cardio
Carol H.
I was initially
reluctant to enroll in your class due to my physical
disabilities caused by a stroke that I suffered several
years ago. My right arm and hand have been completely
paralyzed. Mere words cannot express my delight and absolute
amazement when I was able to move my arm and hand using your
methods of meditation and visualization.
Matthew W.
Reiki Therapy Testimonials
Reiki is a Japanese discipline for dealing with stress through relaxation and promotion of natural healing.
See what some people have to say about Reiki sessions.
wanted to thank you and the group for inviting me to the
Reiki meeting last week. I can tell you I received immediate
benefit from the sessions, especially on my way home that
night. I don’t even remember the drive or how long it took.
It didn’t seem to matter. The real surprise came when I was
telling my sister about what I experienced and she realized
I was standing “flat” on my feet!!!! Okay, this is HUGE!
That hasn’t happened to me in eons!! Also, my stomach was so
quiet over the next 3-4 days. AMAZING I tell ya’, AMAZING!
Ken and Guy made a tremendous impression. I never felt
uncomfortable or tense during the sessions – just relaxed. I
drank about a gallon of water when I got home and more than
ever over the following few days. That’s a plus too. I
really like the Reiki. I’ll be back!
Judy M.
Qigong Therapy Testimonials
Healing arts like Qigong are the complimentary component to martial arts. See what some have to say about QiGong sessions.
Following twelve weeks of physical therapy, I still had a
lot of pain and discomfort from fracturing the 11th thoracic
vertebrae. I was offered pain management but did not want
injections in my back.
I inquired about Qigong therapy and tried it. What a relief!
After the first session, I had a great amount of relief. It
was so relaxing and the pain had subsided almost
immediately. I know my limitations and if I over do it, I
know that QiGong will manage my discomfort.
Margaret T.
After a
hysterectomy when I was in my fifties, I began having severe
back spasms in my upper rib cage whenever I would lie down
to sleep at night or recline on an examining table at a
doctor’s office. At the same time, my right ankle which had
been injured several years previously began to lock without
warning when I walked. My daughter suggested QiGong therapy.
After one session, the ankle problem eased off. After a few
more sessions, the spasms in my back stopped at night as
well as whenever I was on the doctor’s examining table. If I
get a back spasm at night now, it is only because I have
overdone activities during the day. In the past year, I have
only had two episodes as opposed to having them several
times in one night. My QiGong therapy sessions continue to
help with my ankle and back so that I no longer need to take
medicine for these symptoms.
Roni D.
In August 2004, I
was diagnosed with cancer of the left kidney. My doctors
advised me to have surgery to remove the cancer. My gut
feeling was to avoid the surgery if at all possible. I
decided to investigate alternative treatments so I pursued a
complete dietary change including herbalist
recommendations. This led me to QiSsage Body Systems. I was
taught the basics of QiGong while being given QiGong
Therapy. This therapy as well as meditation was very
I have been a Tai Chi player for more than a year now. I
went to my doctor and got the results of my last MRI. I was
told that there was no longer a malignancy, the tumor had
stopped growing and was drying up. Oh, what wonderful
news! This has been and is still a very spiritual experience
for me!
Joseph B.
At 44 years of age, I was told by my gynecologist that I needed a hysterectomy. After my first qigong session, I noticed a drastic difference in my menstrual cycle. After only two more sessions, the problems I was having completely disappeared. It’s not an exaggeration when I say this changed my life to an extent that I wouldn’t have believed possible. The fact that friends and family have noticed the changes in me is also a testament to what qigong has done for me.
Theresa K.
NJISA UMDMJ-SOM (research study)
In a continuing effort to assist the union of the East and West, we participated in a research study with New Jersey Institute of Successful Aging, University of Medicine
& Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine.
Tai Chi has changed
me in many ways. The most important being, it has allowed me
to see myself as I am - terribly flawed yet wonderful. Tai
Chi to me is the ultimate reality check. It has also helped
me to loose 22 pounds. The really unexpected perk that I was
able to achieve is that I am able to sing again. For the
last few years, I was not able to sing because my breathing
wasn't strong enough - but tried the other day in my car and
I could! That might not seem very important to most but it
was really a great moment for me. I am definitely a work in
progress and that's all right!
Jean K.
Tai Chi from the Arthritis Foundation Testimonials
The New Jersey Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation in conjunction with QiSsage Body Systems, LLC sponsors programs for Tai Chi programs at the Jewish Federation Senior Housing in Cherry Hill and Voorhess, NJ. See what participants have to say about their classes.
Mr. Walker is the
epitome of patience & good teaching. He holds everyone’s
interest, adds a sense of humor and concludes with his
students understanding & experiencing all good. We look
forward to continuing our time with Jon in the near future.
Joanne R.
I was offered an
opportunity to take Tai Chi for 13 weeks. I will remember
all the instructions by our wonderful person who led us. His
soothing voice and listening to remarkable tapes helped me
through all the movements. His gestures and jokes kept our
audience in rapt attention. His demonstrations of things to
come made us realize the purpose of this program. Being a
person with personal problems at 89 years young, I know that
Tai Chi helps me.
Frances R.
When I heard about
Tai Chi, I picture a dull form of exercise. After I attended
your class and you began to explain and demonstrate using
your "Day Journey," my feelings changed. I began to
feel more relaxed and more at ease mentally. Aside from my
body feeling calmer, my mind started to wander into a
peaceful state and I was no longer in class but out in a
field of flowers dancing away. Thank you for all of your
teachings. I hope we will be able to have you back soon.
L. Bobbie S.
I can’t convey to
you enough how much your Tai Chi lessons mean to me and how
very helpful you have been to me & our group. I not only
practice during the day, but also it helps me to go to sleep
at night, too. I use to take two Tylenol every night to help
me fall asleep, but now I do my relaxation and I can sleep
much better. I’m sorry the classes will be over soon. I
can’t wait till September when you return. Thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
Saranne R.
I find Tai Chi to
be both exercising and relaxing – a great combination. Thank
you for all of your help.
Evelyn S.
My Tai Chi
experience with Jon Walker was one I will never forget. He
is a caring, compassionate, patient teacher and has imparted
a tiny bit of that to me. I look forward to attending each
and every class here at our residence. I highly recommend
Jon as a human being to emulate.
Fran F.
After a very bad
car accident that destroyed my right knee and injured my
spine, I was left with severe back pain. I refused to use a
walker or a cane. I was determined not to let the back pain
rule my life. I prayed every night for the Lord to bring me
relief. The Lord heard my prayers. He brought Tai Chi to our
apartment house and Jon, our instructor. I have been doing
Tai Chi every day for three months. It has made a big change
in my life. I can climb stairs – I can walk without help – I
can dance again! I will never stop doing Tai Chi.
Jan O.
I am fortunate to
be able to participate in the Tai Chi program that is
offered in our social hall. I’m 81 years old and have been
active all of my life until suffering a broken hip in August
2006. After recovering from hip surgery and graduating from
rehab, I was ready to re-new my exercise regimen, however, I
was unable to drive. It was at that time that Tai Chi was
offered to the residents of my community and I registered
immediately. Participating in this class has been a
wonderful experience for me. It enables me to stretch, move
and challenge my body while doing it in the comforts of my
own apartment building. In addition to the health benefits,
Tai Chi class also provides me with a great social
opportunity as well. I also appreciate that there are
varying options for all of the participants depending upon
their mobility levels. This program has truly answered my
exercise needs. I am very grateful that it is offered in my
Bernice M.
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please e-mail QBS
and we will be happy to respond.
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